See what our users say
Managing Director, Vista vfx Pvt Ltd. Trivandrum
I was taking 90 units of insulin to control my blood sugar for 5 years. For the past 2 years I started adding a tablespoon of Jackfruit365 to my breakfast lunch and dinner. In one year I could discontinue insulin completely and control my sugar levels with just tablets. This saved me money, pain, fear of hypoglycaemia in the night and embarrassment when having food outside
Mrs Susan Eapen
With Jackfruit365 green jackfruit flour, I am finding it much easier to control of my blood sugar than with just the the Low Carb diet that I have followed for two years. With Low Carb, I had to buy expensive ingredients and prepare a special meal separately for myself. Most of the time, at the end of the day, I did not want to put in the special effort and I would end up sharing the family meal and would soon feel the depressing effects of hyperglycaemia, tiredness, drowsiness and polyuria. Now Jackfruit365 has solved this problem.My granddaughter will only eat Dosa or Appam for dinner and now I have the same mixed with Jackfruit flour. I am enjoying cooking and eating with family as it used to be before I became diabetic
Vinu Nair
Managing Partner, Antal India, Chennai
My HbA1c was 7.7 and I was taking two tablets. I am taking 3 tablespoons of Jackfruit365 Green Jackfruit Flour from May 2018 and within six months I could reduce my tablets to one and within 2 years I could discontinue medication completely. For past 18 months my HbA1c is normal without any medication.